Discover the counter-intuitive way that I’m daily helping busy women like you create their best ever results in health & weight, finances, relationships, and more, in just 10 days!


Hi beautiful! I’m so excited to work with you for 10 days of incredible transformation as I show you secrets I’ve previously only shared with my elite private clients to change your mindset AND your reality in just 10 days! 


This is the work I wish I knew years ago. And which I continue to live and breathe now!


In Mastering Your Mindset for a Life of Excellence I’ll be revealing to you an uncommon and ‘too good to be true yet works like WOAH’ strategy which I’ve used for years now and which will get you in THE high vibe state you need each day to finally show up fully as you, easily see you reach your goals, and cause your excuses, hindrances, and even the most valid blocks to success to simply fall to the ground.


Not only will you see things radically change in your health, wealth, and relationships in just 10 days (I mean it, and I see it on repeat!), but you will effortlessly integrate the ‘high vibe switch’ technique I teach you into your life for years to come. Or as long as you choose to run with it!


To top it off, I promise you, you will find this process fun, immediately rewarding, and a beautiful way to enjoy self-care which actually changes your life for the long haul!


Here is a snapshot:



So many capable women struggle to achieve their goals, because they focus on the wrong things.

They focus on 'what' they have to do to get their goal...

When they should be focused on the state they are in.

When you shift your state to one that is uplifting, energizing and high vibe, you start to experience success with so much more ease.

Think about it...

We both know that you have what it takes to reach your dreams and goals, but the biggest issue is when you get in your own way.

Most women experience this as:

 Self sabotage...

 Falling off the bandwagon...

 Taking the easy way out...

Playing small...

Letting yourself down.

These are all ways of saying that even though you are so capable, that your mindset and confidence aren't always high vibe. 

The excuses creep in and all your momentum is lost.

If you could be high vibe every day, then you would be able to more easily make your dreams a reality, just like these clients:  

WOW, this course blew my mind.  Life has never been better.  These techniques are ones I will use all the time!  Thank you for reminding me that I can have anything in my life.

 - Alli C.

This course has completely transformed my perspective! The practical tips and exercises have taught me how to keep a positive outlook and remain focused on what I want to achieve. Whenever I feel off track, I now know exactly how to re-energize and get back in the zone. It's amazing how much more confident and capable I feel. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to reset their mindset and achieve their dreams. 

- Chin C.


Here's How I Went From Feeling Mediocre Despite Having A "Perfect On Paper" Life, To Having the Body, Relationship And Lifestyle I'd Dreamt About For Years


Hi Friend, my name is Keri.


You might be surprised to hear that I was able to create the life, body and lifestyle that most only dream of by just changing my state each day...

But it's true.

And the real proof is that I've been able to use it with my clients as well - not just myself.


You should be...

This is the internet after all!

So let me prove it to you.


For many years I was all about the hustle. In fact, I was able to build quite a successful personal styling business from my hard work.

And that's exactly what it was - hard work.

Even though I was able to work with some very high-level clients I was constantly pushing to get the results.

Now I'd experimented with changing my state over the years, but my results had been so-so.

Then one day I stumbled across a way to combine several practices into a system.

I did an experiment for 10 days using this system and the results were incredible:

My business started to grow

I lost 5 pounds

My husband started to look at me again like when we met (when I didn't have so much on my mind of course!)

I realized I had something amazing happening, but that it needed more testing.

So, I shared it with a bunch of my friends... and I was shocked to discover that they started to experience this high vibe energy that made achieving goals so easy.

They did it using the completely counter-intuitive formula I'm sharing on this page.

And best of all, they didn't need to do any of the traditional things that most women try... things like:

  • Punishing ourselves

  • Stressing Out

  • Overworking

  • Feeling Guilty

Or any of the other common 'wisdom' that gets shared around achieving the things you want in life.

Instead I Leveraged Techniques To Instantly Shift My State In A Way That Takes Just 10 Minutes Per Day

Like I said...

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you.

I know this because it changed everything for me, and for these clients:

After completing Keri's 10-day Mindset course, I feel inspired and empowered with strategies to create my incredible, exciting future with good vibes and courage! Specifically, I enjoyed the posture technique because it is so simple and so effective!

- Kathleen V.

Keri's 'Mastering Your Mindset' course has been an absolute game-changer for me. The tools and techniques provided have empowered me to maintain a positive mindset and stay laser-focused on my goals. I have the tools needed to shift myself into a high-vibe state, as Keri calls it, whenever I find myself slipping into negative or unproductive thoughts. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to unlock their full potential and achieve success in all aspects of life.

- Marianne H.

This Is About More Than Just Reaching Your Goals More Easily


Of course, we all loving dropping a few pounds, improving our finances and feeling more connected to our loved ones.

But if you're like my clients, then you might just find that you start to:

  • Have a calmer and clearer mind with more clarity
  • Experience much more appreciate and love in your life
  • Laugh more and have more fun around people
  • Live with less stress and more joy

These are all the result of living in a high vibe state, and they happen without doing anything differently.

You can see that it becomes a never-ending cycle of feeling great, so that it continually becomes easier to achieve new goals and to build your dreams.


As I said in the video, I created this course as an experiment to see how I could live HIGH-VIBE day in and day out. 

 What dreams could I fulfill on?  What stress could I let go of?  How could this impact each and every aspect of my life?  You see, I took practices I have learned over the years and put them together in a way that provided me SO MUCH FREEDOM.



The first time I did this course, I improved all of my relationships including my marriage which went from good to AMAZING.  The second time I did this course, I changed my relationship with my body, work, friends and had SO MUCH FUN doing it.  


I had such amazing results I had to open this up to others and WOW, the women who have done this course have had the same AMAZING results and FREEDOM as I have.

Unleash the Magic Within: How Living a High-Vibe Life Can Bring You Everything You Dream Of—and Beyond! 


Day 1: The Power of Unstoppable Commitment.
Step into your future by mastering your mindset and watch your dreams come to life effortlessly!

Day 2: Elevate Your World with Gratitude.
These gratitude practices will ignite your life to a whole new level of abundance and joy!

Day 3: The Ultimate Release: Transform in 30 Seconds.
Unlock a life-altering secret that will help you let go of what no longer serves you—faster than you ever imagined!

Day 4: Freedom Through Emotional Release.
Learn how to let emotions flow through you, liberating yourself from negativity and creating space for unlimited peace and happiness.

Day 5: It May Look Unusual, But This Technique Will Radically Transform Your Life—Fast!
Embrace this powerful method and witness your entire reality shift in the most amazing ways.

Day 6: Create Unshakable Beliefs That Manifest Miracles.
Discover how to build empowering beliefs that allow you to attract everything you’ve ever desired, with ease and confidence.

Day 7: Shift Your Perspective, Elevate Your Life.
Experience the profound impact of simple mindset changes that will open doors to endless possibilities.

Day 8: This simple thing you do automatically is Your Superpower.
Learn a powerful technique that will heal, energize, and transform you from the inside out!

Day 9: From Stress to High Vibe in Seconds!
No matter the chaos around you, this instant mood-shifting technique will elevate your energy to a whole new frequency.

Day 10: Protect Your Mindset, Protect Your Power.
Discover three life-changing strategies to safeguard your mental energy, ensuring you stay aligned with your highest, most vibrant self! 

Join me for 10 days and I’ll take you from a frustrated, overwhelmed and mediocre life to one where you are happy, walking tall and fulfilling on your goals effortlessly.   


You will have extraordinary relationships, more success in your work and overall peace of mind.


 Today only, get access to this extraordinary course for just $27, Normally $197.