Ok girl, I’ve been doing something lately that has been changing my mindset daily and dare I say my life.
I want to share it with you in case you are ready for a life altering shift in your mindset.
So if you don’t know, I’ve been studying mindset and manifestation for over 30 years. My mom gave me my first Anthony Robbins cassette tape (I know, I know) when I was 18 years old. I listened to that cassette over and over and over again and was mesmerized by what he said was possible.
I did the work, listened all the time and started to dream a little dream. A dream of a better life….an extraordinary life. I remember I was telling my family that I was going to be rich.
I wasn’t sure how yet but I just knew it was happening.
Fast forward many, many years. I’ve done so much work on mindset and followed some of the greats in our world. I’ve even manifested everything I ever dreamed of inside of practicing all of the work I knew to do.
That’s right, I have manifested the husband, the daughter, the business, the car, the home, the 2nd home, the five star vacations, the ring, the body……etc. I’m not saying this to brag because what I’m 100% clear about is that it is not personal to me. If you are reading this then it’s available to you as well.

Lately what I’ve realized is that for the past couple of years…..I’ve been coasting. I have an amazing life and was busy living it and not really working on my mindset daily. The problem is that my life started getting not so amazing. I was rarely authentically happy, my business wasn’t growing, and my marriage was not what I wanted it to be when I said I do.Â
I even spent a lot of money working with coaches, healers, and anyone else who said they could help me. At the end of the day, I had spent a lot of money and still felt all alone and maybe if I tell the truth a little bit hopeless. This is not easy to admit because I am a generally positive happy person.

So, I woke up one day and decided to go back to basics.
 That’s right, I remembered everything that I had previously done to create my dream life and created some new things as well.
I did this so quickly and before I knew it, I had a new vision of my life and tools to make it happen.
I challenged myself to a 10 day mindset reset which has altered everything in my life.Â
Most important is my vibration, my happiness, my relationships (especially the one with me), my business, etc.

This course is for you if you are:
♦ Wanting to be happy more often than not.
♦ Wanting to fulfill on your goals and dreams this year with ease.
♦ Want peace of mind longingly.
♦ Want to have joy and love present in your life all of the time.
♦ Have a new relationship with yourself where you experience so much appreciation and love!
♦ Wanting to make more money/have more success.
♦ Want to be more connected and have more fun in your relationships.
♦ Want to laugh more (such a healing practice).
   And so much more.Â
If you said yes to anything I mentioned above, the question is…….
Are you willing to invest 10 days of your life and 10 minutes a day to get these results?
Absolutely, I’m in!

I share all of this with you because I want to invite you on this journey with me. The journey to kick start your mindset to fulfill on all of your dreams and goals.
Let’s spend 10 minutes a day together for 10 days. You will be blown away by what will alter in your life.Â
It’s as simple as that.Â
I will tell you everything I have done/am doing to make all of this possible.
See most people work on their mindset when something really big is at stake…..
They are playing in the Super Bowl, the are in a golf tournament that can make them a million dollars, they have a job interview, etc.
Imagine your life if you work on your mindset daily.
It’s just a habit that if you spend 10 minutes a day doing, will change your life.
You will spend 10 minutes a day for 10 days. On other days I will give you new practices and assignments to incorporate into your daily life. Nothing about this challenge will be hard and it is called a challenge because it will challenge you. It will challenge you to be the best version of you so that you can have everything you can imagine.Â
In 10 days, you will create new simple habits that will unleash your spirit, have you smile more and be ready to manifest anything you want. Yes, ANYTHING.Â
Agreements of the course:
You must agree to watch the video and do the work daily. This is the only way you will make a life altering change.
If you register for this course and end up not doing the work daily, your life will not change. It takes doing the practices.
I know that if you are reading this page, it’s because you are someone who truly wants the most in life. You are committed to doing your best and making the biggest impact you can.
Everything you have in your life right now is a reflection of your mindset or your deservingness. What you believe to be true about you, your life, and what’s possible.
The one thing we truly have control over is our mind. We can’t control the weather, people, circumstances but we can control our thoughts and emotions every day. It just takes practice.
 If you want to be truly powerful and live a life of your design, if you can manage your thoughts ongoingly throughout the day, you are limitless being. If you can think it, believe it, and know it then it can be yours.